本アプリケーション及び「ケーブルプラスRemote」「Connect Play」「ケーブルプラスRemote Player」をインストールすることによって、お使いの端末で番組表を見たり、ケーブルプラスSTBを操作することが可能となります。
It is a support application necessary for the operation of the cable plus remote control application for STB "Cable-plus Remote".
By this application and install the "Cable-plus Remote," "Connect Play," "Cable-plus Remote Player", or look at the program guide on your device, it will be possible to operate the cable plus STB.
In addition, you can watch the broadcast during a program-recorded program of cable plus STB, you can bring in outside the home by dubbing the program recorded in the cable plus STB.
This application does not have to send your information from the terminal to the outside.